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Laughing with friends is the BEST!
Who needs drugs when you’ve got whipped cream and friends and the chance to learn something new? Prevention Specialist Sharon Vreeland...

UNP teaches Drug Prevention to Young Marines
Up North Prevention Certified Prevention Specialist, Linda Solem, teaching a drug prevention class to the Young Marines in Grand Traverse...

Porch-A-Plooza to celebrate Recovery Month
Porch-A-Plooza to celebrate Recovery Month with ATS, Grand Traverse County Drug Free Coalition and Up North Prevention/CHS. Many other...

Up North Prevention spends quality afternoon with Senior Citizens.
Up North Prevention spent a quality afternoon with Alpena area Senior Citizens to participate in the National Prescription Drug take back...

Students learn to save a life while connecting to English topics in the classroom.
Students in Mrs. Hechlik’s first hour class, ELA for the Real World, learned about emergency first aid with Alcona Schools’ Nurse, Kim...

Peer Led Prevention Has Large Impacts
Tawas and Oscoda Schools kick off their new "Intersect" Students Leading Students Chapters through a jointly sponsored tailgating event...

Alpena Prevention Advisory Board Starts the School Year
The Alpena Prevention Advisory Board is comprised of school administration, educational staff, behavioral health, medical, law...

Alcona students get lessons in team building and resiliency skills.
With the help of AHS coaches Reed Leeseberg, Scott Reynolds and Jason Stevens, Up North Prevention staff and E-sports coach Les Thomas...

UNP joins Ice Cream Social at ACC to get young adults perspectives on substance misuse
Alpena Community College and Up North Prevention joined efforts to socialize with area youth and provide surveys to assess area substance...

Jojean Thompson receives 10-year Service Award!
Catholic Human Services - Up North Prevention Recognizes 10 Years of Dedicated Service. Jojean Thompson, Prevention Specialist in...

Talk, They Hear You Campaign
SAMHSA’s national youth substance use prevention campaign came to Crawford County through the Crawford Partnership to End Substance...

Students Leading Students making plans to impact mental illness
The newly formed Students Leading Students coalition, at Alpena High School, recently met with an Up North Prevention Advisor to continue...

Educating Ourselves to Educate Our Community
In September, members of the Live Well Kalkaska Substance Free Coalition attended Michigan’s 24th Annual Substance Use and Co-Occurring...

Now offering - INDEPTH - an intervention program for nicotine dependence
Approximately 13 of every 100 middle school students and 31 of every 100 high school students report current use of nicotine products,...

Practice Mindfulness to Teach Moments of Tranquility with Your Children
Up North Prevention took part in the Northeast Michigan Out of the Darkness Community Walk in Rogers City recently. The Out of the...

September is Recovery Month - Every Person. Every Family. Every Community
Catholic Human Services kicked off Recovery Month with its staff on September 1st at the Alpena Golf Club. They sported their Recovery...

Up North Prevention at the Northwestern Michigan Fair
Linda Solem, Prevention Specialist with Up North Prevention, was at the Northwestern Michigan Fair along with the Michigan State Police...

Education on Substance Misuse and its Link to Human Trafficking
Linda Solem, Prevention Specialist with Up North Prevention, gave a presentation to the Republican Women's Club on substance misuse and...

Resource Table at Fife Lake Farmer's Market
Up North Prevention recently had a resource table at the Fife Lake Farmer's Market. The table was filled with end of summer goodies and...

Creating Prevention Activities that Build Healthy Living Skills
The Live Well Kalkaska Substance Free Coalition partnered with the Kalkaska Conservation District again to offer healthy alternative...
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