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Alcona E-Sports Partners with Pied Piper and the Special Olympics
Students at Alcona Schools were given the opportunity to “play with a purpose” and join the Unified League for the Spring E-Sports...

Alcona Students Leading Students Works On Fall Recruitment
The Alcona High School chapter of Students Leading Student (SLS) is busy working on promotional material for fall’s membership drive. ...

Alcona High Celebrates Winterfest Substance Free
High school youth celebrated winter homecoming with a Winter Wonderland theme and took a few minutes to get a video memento of the night...

Prevention Staff Teach Alcona Seniors About Naloxone
Alcona staff Les Thomas worked with small groups of Alcona’s graduating class to teach naloxone distribution to prevent opioid overdose...

Painless: The Opioid Musical Comes to Alcona Schools
Alcona Middle and High School students recently enjoyed a live stage show production of Painless: The Opioid Musical- sponsored locally...

Students Enjoy Substance Free Homecoming Event
Area high school students enjoyed the Alcona Fall Homecoming dance, An Evening in Paris , in October with over 100 youth in attendance. ...

STR8 TALK Educates Through Personal Stories
Alcona middle school and high school students were on their feet for the recent STR8 TALK presentation, covering the perils of youth...

Red Ribbon Event at Alcona High Celebrates a Pledge for a Substance Free Lifestyle
In observance of Red Ribbon Week, the Alcona Tigers and Posen Vikings Volleyball squads teamed up to recognize the importance of a...

Alcona Students Leading Students Members Take a Step Towards Intentional Youth Leadership
The Alcona Chapter of Students Leading Students has recently elected an executive board to help make their meetings run more smoothly. ...

E-Sports at Alcona Middle School Begins First Season
The Alcona Middle School Kart Crashers have opened their season with a match against Pierce MK Varsity in the first Middle School state...

Alcona Students Leading Students Attend Summer Leadership Camp
Youth from across seven local high schools recently attended a two-day, overnight leadership conference at the Ocqueoc Outdoor Center in...

Students Leading Students Youth Get Excited about Zookeeping
The Alcona Chapter of Students Leading Students (SLS) took a day trip to the family-owned Roscommon Zoo as a part of their monthly...

Alcona Youth Enjoy Substance Free Hayride
As part of the annual end of school “fun day”, Up North Prevention staff at Alcona Middle/High School took students on a hayride,...

Students Leading Students and the Sunset Project Present, Ending The Silence at Alcona High School
The Alcona Chapter of Students Leading Students (SLS) and the Sunset Project teamed up to host a community presentation for the National...

ACCOA Hosts Up North Prevention for National Take Back Day
In celebration of National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Prevention Specialist Les Thomas held a site collection at the Alcona County...

Alcona Students Leading Students Chapter Attends Statewide Conference
Student leaders from across the state gathered at the 37th annual Students Leading Students (SLS) conference at Shanty Creek Resort this...

Alcona Middle Schoolers Have a Ghoulish Good Time at Substance Free Event
Up North Prevention staff teamed up with the Alcona Junior Honor Society in October to host a Halloween-themed dance event for Alcona...

Students Lead the Charge for Stigma Reduction and Improved Mental Health
The Alcona Students Leading Students (SLS) Chapter recently engaged the entire middle/high school student body at a recent assembly with...

Student Leaders Lead the Way at Alcona Schools
Members of the Students Leading Students (SLS) program at Alcona recently coordinated an event to help students pledge to be substance...

Students learn to save a life while connecting to English topics in the classroom.
Students in Mrs. Hechlik’s first hour class, ELA for the Real World, learned about emergency first aid with Alcona Schools’ Nurse, Kim...
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