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The Hidden in Plain Sight Trailer at the Nautical City Festival
Prevention specialist, Connie, along with Michigan State Police Troopers Kunath and Topps, educated Nautical City Festival attendants...

Positive Self-Image Fuels Our Young People
Up North Prevention's staff knows that building self-confidence in students is key to success for our youth. Botvin LifeSkills is one...

Presque Isle County Drug Take-Back Day: A Community Effort
The most recent Prescription Drug Take-Back Day held in Presque Isle County was a resounding success, thanks to the collaborative efforts...

Empowering Compassion: Posen High School’s Impactful Spirit Week
Posen High School Students Leading Students (SLS) members worked together to plan a spirit week leading up to a memorable lock-in event...

The Vision Behind a Spirit Week Filled with the Importance of Safe Choices
As the members of Posen High School SLS (Students Leading Students) gear up for an exciting spirit week with a prevention theme, they are...

The Power of Communication: A Vital Tool in Youth Substance Use Prevention
Youth today face numerous challenges, and one of the most critical is substance use. Effective communication plays a pivotal role in...

Symbols of Hope, Love, and Support
Students Leading Students youth (SLS) from Posen offered a heartwarming way to raise awareness of various causes, illnesses, and...

Inspiring Youth to Find Their “Natural High”
Helping youth find an interest or talent that creates a feeling of joy in their lives is one of the most important paths that adults can...
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