Kalkaska County Resources

In-Person - Kalkaska High School / Room 34
Monthly - 2nd Monday @ 3:30PM
Monthly - 2nd Monday, 3:30-4:30 PM
Virtual link - https://zoom.us/j/7483376657?pwd=WlI2RkFvYyttQ0dzYm1rdXJFWnRLQT09
Meeting ID: 748 337 6657
Passcode: 248012
(Meetings are held in person and virtual while school is in session, otherwise virtual only)
Social Links:
Suzanne Prentice - 231-714-7332
Mission: As a Prevention Coalition, we empower our community to live healthy lives by providing evidence-based substance misuse education, promoting healthier alternatives, and fostering compassionate, meaningful connections to eliminate stigma.
Vision: Our vision is to be a recognized prevention leader through continued community education that increases rates of recovery, decreases youth substance use, and promotes resilient families.
The journey to a healthier Kalkaska began in 2014 with a grassroots movement to address substance use disorders. This effort led to the formation of the Kalkaska Substance Free Coalition. Three years later, the group joined forces with DHD#10 and became the Live Well Kalkaska Substance Free Coalition (LWKSFC), operating under the umbrella of Catholic Human Services. Today, LWKSFC is a leading force in the community, providing evidence-based prevention education in two county school districts, fostering strong partnerships with the Kalkaska Conservation District and Sheriff's Office to offer healthy alternatives, and actively supporting recovery and harm reduction. Their network of collaborators includes organizations like the Substance Free Coalition of Northwest Michigan (SFCNM), Before, During, and After Incarceration (BDAI), and Face Addiction Now (FAN), demonstrating their commitment to a comprehensive, community-wide approach. Explore their work and learn how you can be part of the solution.

Website URL:https://faceaddictionnow.org/support/grand-traverse
Meetings: 1st Thursday at 7pm (doors open at 6:45pm)
In Person -
Central United Methodist Church
222 N. Cass St., Traverse City, MI 49684
Social Links:
Mission: Saving lives by empowering individuals and communities to prevent and eradicate addiction.
Vision: A nation free of narcotic addiction.
About Us:
The Grand Traverse County Drug Free Coalition began meeting in early 2015 after Judge Bob Cooney called community leaders together to address the opioid epidemic. Today the coalition is made up of experts from various sectors of the community including: law enforcement, the medical community, schools, treatment facilities, tribal members, religious groups, youth, parents and families.
​In October of 2017, the coalition received a grant from Northern Michigan Regional Entity (NMRE) to fund a full time coordinator, an epidemiologist to provide the coalition with local data, and three Youth Engagement Liaisons to facilitate prevention programs in the county’s high schools. The coalition has recently adopted by-laws and established its executive committee. Future plans also include applying for a Drug Free Communities Grant and hosting events to provide education and raise awareness to the community.

Website URL:
Meetings: 1st Thursday of “even months” at 9:00 AM (only virtual)
Virtual -
Social Links:
link: https://www.facebook.com/SFCNWMI
Sharon Vreeland - svreeland@catholichumanservices.org
Mission: The Substance Free Coalition of Northwest Michigan (SFC) is partnering with agencies and organizations throughout the five-county area of Northwest Michigan to end the opioid epidemic in our communities. Because prescription opioids are so highly addictive, our efforts are focused on prevention of opioid use whenever possible.
Vision: A nation free of narcotic addiction.