Ogemaw County Resources
Monthly - 3rd Thursday, 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM
Virtual Link - https://zoom.us/j/93654528284
MidMichigan Hospital West Branch
Executive Dining Room
2463 S. M-30
West Branch, MI 48661
JoJean Thompson
Mission: Our mission is to join Community Partners of Ogemaw County, formed to protect our community and kids from substance abuse and support our community in their recovery journey.
About Us: Drug Free Coalition in Ogemaw County started in 2015 with community partners from every sector of the community, all joined together to spread the resources for anti-stigma for recovery, truth about substance abuse, coordinated efforts to prevent the distribution of illegal substances and working with all agencies, schools, law enforcement, and businesses in the community. Youth coalitions in the Middle school partnered with the coalition to help with drug facts and anti-bullying, SADD youth in one school meet at lunches to discover the truth about the dangers of substance use and encourage peers to avoid high risk behaviors.