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Painless: The Opioid Musical Comes to Alcona Schools

Alcona Middle and High School students recently enjoyed a live stage show production of Painless: The Opioid Musical- sponsored locally by Up North Prevention.  The assembly from the University of Michigan Drama department and Michigan OPEN (Opioid Prevention Engagement Network) focused on the opioid epidemic and addressed how opioids, especially synthetics- like fentanyl, have caused more than 80,000 deaths among youth and adults in the US. Students will be further engaged in discussions while in Health class in the upcoming weeks.


Funding for website expansion and improvements made possible through Prevention Network and with monies from SAMHSA's Substance Abuse Block Grant COVID Supplemental.


154 South Ripley Blvd.
Alpena, Michigan 49707

(989) 356-6385


1000 Hastings St

Traverse City, MI 49686

(231) 947-8110

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