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The Crawford Partnership to End Substance Misuse Partners with the Crawford County Jail to Distribute Wellness Bags to Inmates

The Crawford Partnership to End Substance Misuse has been collaborating with the Crawford County Sheriff's Department to provide wellness bags to inmates being released. The wellness bags include information on available community resources, helping them to successfully reintegrate into the community and begin rebuilding their lives. The bags also contain hygiene items, a snack, fidget, water bottle, and Narcan. 


Funding for website expansion and improvements made possible through Prevention Network and with monies from SAMHSA's Substance Abuse Block Grant COVID Supplemental.


154 South Ripley Blvd.
Alpena, Michigan 49707

(989) 356-6385


1000 Hastings St

Traverse City, MI 49686

(231) 947-8110

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