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The Parkinson's Forum in Traverse City

The 37th Annual Parkinson's Summer Forum was held in Traverse City at the Hagerty Center. Featured speaker Dr. Susan Maixner, University of Michigan Geriatric Psychology Division, discussed "Mind & Mood in PD: Feeling and Living Better." Many display tables were set up from Grand Traverse County and surrounding areas. Up North Prevention/Catholic Human Services set up resources for the elderly population and gave away 12 Medication Lockboxes and DeTerra Bags.


Funding for website expansion and improvements made possible through Prevention Network and with monies from SAMHSA's Substance Abuse Block Grant COVID Supplemental.


154 South Ripley Blvd.
Alpena, Michigan 49707

(989) 356-6385


1000 Hastings St

Traverse City, MI 49686

(231) 947-8110

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